Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Massachusetts

Landlord / Tennant

Some of my neighbors have been telling me that my landlord has been going into my duplex during the day when we are not home. He is doing alot of work to the part next door(which at 1st he had no permit for) and I think he is going in our house to use the bathroom or something, at least thats what the neighbor said. When i called the landlord to clear it up he got very offensive and hung up on me and then his wife called me back and said I was accusing him of this. I said I just wanted to clear it up and the next thing I know shw is tellling me about this fued going on between her and my neighbor across the street. I guess she bought his house at a forclosure aution out from under him and now even though he still lives there she thinks she has the right to be on his property. She has been caught taking pictures on his property and even putting the camera through the window to get inside pictures. Yesterday morning a lawyer called me and said that he wanted to put my mind at ease about the situation and if i needed anything to call the police. This through me off. Now i dont know if I should feel unsafe or what! I need advice. I feel uncoftorable and ever since i moved in it has been one disaster after another.

Asked on 8/05/08, 12:51 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Landlord / Tennant

I do not think you should necessarily feel unsafe. However, you should send a letter to the landlord asking him not to enter your home unless he has obtained your permission in advance. Tell him you are not accussing him of anything but just to clarify things.

As to the neighbors, I suggest you tell them that you appreciate their concern and let the matter rest.

If there is something wrong with the home, then you should put those items in writing to the landlord.

Do not get in the middle of what is clearly a grude between the landlord and the neighbors.

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Answered on 8/05/08, 1:13 pm

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