Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Massachusetts
Separate Lease Agreement for Apts
I may be moving into an apartment with 5 other roommates and we will all be signing the lease, with me paying the rent and everyone else paying me. Is there something I can do (legal document) that will make each person responsible for their portion of the rent instead of assuming all of the risk myself? Is there a way to separate the lease agreements between tenants?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Separate Lease Agreement for Apts
I'm not sure whey you would want to assume the responsibility of paying the rent each month.
A much better option would be for each of you to pay your portion of the rent to the landlord each month, if s/he is agreeable to that.
However, most leases provide that each tenant is "jointly and severally liable" for the lease payments. That means the landlord may come after one or all of you for the full amount of the rent owed.
If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my office.