Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Massachusetts
Boot em OUT!
I am buying a house and the seller is not giving notice to quit to the tenants. What are my rights as far as getting them out? Do I have to evict them? They are tenants at will. I plan to occupy the entire (3 family) house.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Boot em OUT!
I need to know the town or city you live in or where the 3-family is before I can answer.
Please write directly to me, if you like, with either your name, or the town you live in or the town you're buying the property in, and I will then be able to answer your question. I'm at [email protected] .
Re: Boot em OUT!
Without meaning to sound self-serving, it seems that your first critcal error was not having a real estate attorney as he/she could have easily avoided this problem for you. Eviction will cost a lot more than his/her legal fees would have been. While I do not have enough information (most importantly reading your Purchase and Sale Agreement) to give you personal advice, there is a possibility that you may have to go through the eviction process, but depending upon the tenants legal status, you may not win!
You may call me to discuss it further at (781) 593-7379.