Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Massachusetts

Legal Description of Property

What does the term legal description of property mean?

Asked on 2/08/08, 5:34 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Re: Legal Description of Property

The legal description of a property is a a desription of the property based on a metes and bounds area, a plot map, the area of the land in question.

It is more than the address. it describes the land that is the subject of the description in a manner that can be confirmed by survey, so if a boundary dispute arises it can be determined who owns what.

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Answered on 2/08/08, 5:41 pm
Craig J. Tiedemann Kajko, Weisman & Colasanti, LLP

Re: Legal Description of Property

Most likely the "legal description" of the property is intended to reference the way the property is officially described in the legal documents pertaining to the land on file in the Registry of Deeds in the County in which the land is located. Those files are available for public inspection at the appropriate Registry.

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Answered on 2/08/08, 6:05 pm
Warren Wood Law Offices of Warren Wood

Re: Legal Description of Property

"Legal Description" of real property is the leagal language used (and there are several systems to place a pice of land within a political area - usually a county, in the USA) to describe a specific parcel of land in relation to known landmarks in the area. In eastern states it may be from streets (intersections or cross streets). In western states, it may be from a "base line" on a rectangular grid system. Read the legal description on any deed recorded in your local county registry of deeds or county recorder's office. It is based on the craft of the surveyer.

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Answered on 2/08/08, 6:46 pm

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