Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Massachusetts

I live in a condex, and according to the by-laws, the building must be covered. My neighbor (who lived here for about 15 years before we came along) has individual insurance to cover her side. When we bought the house, we were told we would need a blanket insurance for the house, which my husband and I have been paying for 2 years (the neighbor kept putting it off and saying she was waiting to hear from her insurance company). We can no longer pay her half of the insurance. Do we have to have the by-laws rewritten? Or is there another kind of insurance my husband and I can purchase to make sure everything is covered properly on our half of the house?

Asked on 1/22/10, 6:15 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jonas Jacobson Law Offices of Jonas Jacobson

You have appear to have some rights in this situation, based solely on the facts as you have presented them.

Briefly, every condominium complex is required to be covered by what's called a "Fire and Dwelling" policy, which protects the property as a whole against loss, or liability (e.g. if someone slips on the stairs). Usually, maintaining a fire and dwelling policy is a pre-requisite to obtaining a mortgage. However, to protect the inside of an apartment, unit owners typically purchase a policy which covers only the insides of their unit.

Generally speaking, condominium fees cover the costs of a fire and dwelling policy. Naturally, I would have to look at your particular set of docs., but it seems strange that condo by-laws would be drafted requiring one unit pay all of the insurance.

I believe you have a good argument (called "unjust enrichment") that your neighbor not only needs to pay the fire and dwelling policy (assuming that's the issue) in the future, but that she owes you half of the insurance you paid over the last two years. It's a dicey situation, because you all share a house. Give me a call or email me if you want to review your options with me: 617-230-2779 any rate, do not act before consulting with a lawyer.

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Answered on 1/28/10, 9:13 am

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