Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Massachusetts

Am I a tenant at will because I cant get a lease?

I signed a lease 2 years ago for a single family house i renewed 1 year later,2 months into that term my septic system started overflowing regularly.I informed the landlord and he has been having it pumped whenever I call.My lease expired in Jan 2000 I have asked several times for a new one without much luck(hes to busy,he'll get me one sometime next week)Now I'm worried that he is waiting for the spring thaw to replace the system and sell the house.Do I have any legal rights to a lease if I desire one?Or can I force him to fix the system by withholding rent?

I have always and continue to pay in full on time

Asked on 3/09/00, 6:10 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: Am I a tenant at will because I cant get a lease?

First, fax me, please, your lease (especially the first page, but probably I should see the entire thing). My fax number is (617) 527-1763.

Has no new lease been offered to you? And you just never brought it up? What made you think he might decide now to sell it?

You have several options to deal with code violations; withholding rent is part of two of them. Let's figure out your lease, first, though.

P.S.: What city or town do you live in?

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Answered on 3/22/00, 10:19 am

Re: Am I a tenant at will because I cant get a lease?

I misread your posting. I see now about the lease. I though you were talking about a new septic system when you were talking about a new lease that he appears to be stalling on.

Anyway, please let me see the last lease.

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Answered on 3/22/00, 10:58 am

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