Legal Question in Tax Law in Massachusetts
Venue of federal suit against federal agency
What is the juristiction used to base a suit against the IRS in Federal court for not responding to a Freedom of Information Act Request (see 5USC552(a) or 26CFR601.702 for reference)
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Venue of federal suit against federal agency
tel (617) 527-0050
fax (617) 527-1763
I just handled a case like this for someone in Massachusetts.
I have a few questions and invite you to write to me with the
answers or to call me on Wednesday.
The biggest question I have for YOU is this: when did you file your
FOIA request? Next question: what did you request?
Last question: Where did you get your cites, etc.?
(My guess is that there's a website giving out
such information; I'd like to see it first hand.)
In very specific cases, the IRS will end up paying the
costs of litigation. I've become an expert on that by now.
If you'll answer these questions for me, I can steer you
straight, including venue and a few other jurisdictional
issues as well as assess your likelihood of prevailing.
Stuart Williams
Law Offices of Stuart J. Williams
21 Walter St.
Newton, MA
tel (617) 527-0050
fax (617) 527-1763
Stuart Williams
Law Offices of Stuart J. Williams
21 Walter St.