Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Massachusetts
Father stole my inheritance to start his business
I recently learned that my father stole my inheritance and that of my 5 brothers and sisters when his father passed away in 1977. His sister's children got theirs which amounted to $12K per grandchild. My dad used the $72K to start a business which has made him quite wealthy. He has not shared any of his wealth with his kids, gave no gifts, support or help in any way and kept us out of his business which he has sold and is a retired millionaire.
I confronted him in a letter last month and got no response, although my father admitted to my brother Tim that at the time ''I did what I had to do'' basically admitting to the theft.
Questions: (1) Do I and my siblings have a case to sue him for return of the inheritance? (2) Is there a criminal case for the theft and disception? (3) Do we have a claim to the receipts of his company's sale since our inheritance was the seed money invested to start it?
Thank you.
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Father stole my inheritance to start his business
1. An inheritance is not available until some one dies.
2. You did not say who left you and inheritance;
3. You did not say how and why you believe the money your father took was an inheritance;
4. Are you saying that your grandfather left you money through a will or a trust, specifically designated to you?
5. How did your father get access to the funds?
6. Was he an executor?
7. Was he a trustee?
If you provide more information, then it would be easier to answer some of your questions.
Re: Father stole my inheritance to start his business
You may have an action available to you in Mass. More info is needed.
Re: Father stole my inheritance to start his business
You likely have a cause of action; I would need to see a copy of the will or know which county it was probated in. I would assert that you and your siblings are equitable partners in the business started with your inheritance monies. Contact me if you would like to discuss this further.