Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Michigan
What should I do?
So my mom's Boyfriend just left her the other day. He owes her $2,000 but he just so happened to leave when he got his afflack check in. In the process of leaving he took multiple things of my families that do not belong to him. He even took my 9 year old sisters easter basket so she wouldn't be able to get anything on Easter. I just want to know if there is anything I can do legally to get our money or at least get our things back. My mom didnt get in writing how much he owes her.He has not been to work in 8 months due to ''back-pain'' and hes been with her for like 10 months so my mom took him and his 3 kids into her home and paid for them to be fed,clothed,and gave them somewhere to live,paid for his ciggarette and gas, for the girls glasses etc. EVERYTHING with the promise that she will get her dues just as soon as his check comes. Well he is long gone now. he's already spent much of the money he owes my mom when he got the UHaul and a hotel. Is there Anything we can do. We were used and were just really upset. please please help! Mom Needs that money too cuz she had to buy a new vehicle cuz he messed up her previous one.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: What should I do?
You should sue this man. Your suit can be brought in small claims court or if you want an attorney, you can file the case in district court. If you hire an attorney, you may be able to get your attorney fees back. Once you have your judgment, you will be able to get the money when he has a job and you find out, then you can garnish his wages.
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