Legal Question in Criminal Law in Michigan


My daughter is finishing an externship with a clinic. Money was stolen from the clinic. The same night it came up missing the police were called. Police searched both extern�s cars, purses and body for the money. Neither employee was searched. Now the clinic made my daughter sign a piece of paper stating that she would pay back a portion of the money. If she didn�t sign this paper, they said they would fail her and she would not graduate. Now they are saying that if she doesn�t pay the money by the end of her externship (3 weeks), they will take her to court. Isn�t this considered blackmail or extortion? Can they get away with this?

Asked on 12/08/08, 3:25 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: extortion

The circumstances of every case differ. Your daughter should IMMEDIATELY meet with an experienced, tough attorney to protect her.

For more information, go to:

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Answered on 12/08/08, 3:46 pm
Timothy Klisz Klisz Law Office, PLLC

Re: extortion

I wouldn't look at it as extortion, but rather civil negotiations. There may be a bigger picture here. What is the amount sought? They may have no evidence against her. You need an attorney and fast. Visit me at to discuss details. Tim Klisz

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Answered on 12/08/08, 8:51 pm

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