Legal Question in Criminal Law in Michigan

false police report

what is the penalty for ''filing a false police report?''

Asked on 6/22/04, 8:22 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Neil O'Brien Eaton County Special Assistant Prosecuting Attorney

Re: false police report

False report of a felony crime is itself a felony: MCL 750.411a(1)(b), carrying up to 4 Years and/or $2,000.00 fine.

False report of a misdemeanor crime is a misdemeanor: MCL 750.411a(1)(a), carrying up to 93 Days and/or $500.00 fine.

Other "false report" crimes are more specific, like making a false bomb threat (also a felony), etc.

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Answered on 6/28/04, 10:33 am

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