Legal Question in Criminal Law in Michigan


Having been convicted of a federal felony - medicare fraud - by plea agreement; I am not permitted to possess a firearm.

Muzzle loaders are not considered firearms.

I would like to hunt in Michigan with a muzzle loader, however, michigan considers muzzle loaders a firearm.

The federal judge stated that I may use a muzzle loader.

Two part question.

A.Which law applies?

B.If I got euspongement(sp)at the state level - live in Ohio

would I be able to hunt with a muzzle loader in Michigan?

Asked on 6/09/04, 1:46 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Thomas Loeb Law Offices of Thomas M. Loeb

Re: Firearms

Forgive my bluntness. You have been convicted of a federal felony. You may not own or possess firearms, OR ammo of ANY kind. There is no law that allows for an expungement of federal felonies. You should get used to the idea that you will never be able to hunt with a firearm of any kind. I suggest you consider bow hunting...

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Answered on 6/09/04, 3:05 pm

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