Legal Question in Criminal Law in Michigan

Ordered to give fingerprints

My friend had a case 6 months ago that he is now on probation for. He was cleaning out his old things and found this court order to go submit fingerprints, or be held in contemt of the court. He went to the court services building but they did not print him. It has been about 6 months now. He is worried that he may have missed something, or has not completly complied. He was sentenced to 1 year probation, and has monthly check-ins. He has asked his probation officer and all he says is that he has no paper work showing that. My friend has seen the judge a few times since then, including his sentence date. He was order to submit these prints during his preliminary hearing, and of course he has been sentenced. If he was in contempt would the court have notified him either through probation or by a warrant. Nobody seems to have the answer that he has called at the court house. He has the papers and has went to all the pretrail appointments. My question is, if he did not meet these requirement would the judge have told him when he was sentenced 6 months ago.

Asked on 11/13/08, 11:26 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Ordered to give fingerprints

Your boyfriend should immediately contact his attorney to clarify the court's orders. Your boyfriend could be in contempt of court or in violation of his probation. The lawyer can get this cleared up.

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Answered on 11/13/08, 11:36 pm

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