Legal Question in Criminal Law in Michigan

Reasons for being Charged With Statutory Rape?

I am in a situation that most people I have explained this to believe this is ridicules. I was 17 and at my sisters birthday party, there was one of her friends there who was always coming on to me, 14 (going on 30) at the time. She was known to have slept around and so forth. She ended up grabbing me in my private area. That was it I never touched her at all. So they are charging me with statutory rape just for that. There not saying I did anything to her. Just for her touching me, I have a chance to go to jail. What do I do? What am I looking at for sentencing, I have a almost clean record, shoplifting when I was 15.

Asked on 6/18/04, 3:45 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Henry J. Legere, Jr. Law Office of Henry J. Legere, Jr.

Re: Reasons for being Charged With Statutory Rape?

Contact an attorney right away and do not make any statements to the police if you haven't done so already. If you did not touch her or tell her to touch you I do not see where you have violated the law under the facts as you have presented them. From what you have related it would appear that the girl was guilty of CSC 4th degree. You are looking at a possible sentence of 15 years for CSC 3rd degree and having your name placed on the sexual offender registry. Meet with an attorney ASAP it is in your best interests. Don't treat this as a joke. Good luck.

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Answered on 6/18/04, 9:50 pm

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