Legal Question in Criminal Law in Michigan

threat laws

what are the penalties for making an empty verbal threat of physical violence on an answering machine

Asked on 9/19/07, 12:24 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

William Morrison Action Defense Center

Re: threat laws

750.540e Malicious use of service provided by telecommunications service provider.

Sec. 540e.

(1) A person is guilty of a misdemeanor who maliciously uses any service provided by a telecommunications service provider with intent to terrorize, frighten, intimidate, threaten, harass, molest, or annoy another person, or to disturb the peace and quiet of another person by any of the following:

(a) Threatening physical harm or damage to any person or property in the course of a conversation or message through the use of a telecommunications service or device.

(b) Falsely and deliberately reporting by message through the use of a telecommunications service or device that a person has been injured, has suddenly taken ill, has suffered death, or has been the victim of a crime or an accident.

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Answered on 9/20/07, 12:19 am

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