Legal Question in Criminal Law in Michigan

wrongfully convicted

my son was with 4 boys and one boy got out and rob and kill a man, he was 16 when this happen and went to jevenile and was release, but the police pick him back up when he turned 18 years of age. so my son implicated himself because he was scared of the boy and his familyand friend. so i talk to the prosecutor and she told him that if he testify against the boy she will reduce his sentence and he got 6 years. but i don't think that it is fair that my son have to do years because he was with a crazy and a person with no conscience, and the boy just wasn't raised like i brought my kids up. plus the same boy had rob and shot my neighbor in the leg and my other son was wrongfully cinvicted and serving 7 years and he was at a cabaret doing the time that the robbery and had 3 witness stating where he was. but the judge still gave him time because she did not know who to believe. the police did not do finger print and no investigation and the ran up in my house with no search warrant. So please help me because i am on fix income and i can't afford me a attorney

Asked on 8/27/07, 2:05 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

William Morrison Action Defense Center

Re: wrongfully convicted

Your sons are both adults and capable of arranging for their own court apointed attorneys - even on appeal.

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Answered on 8/27/07, 11:08 pm

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