Not driving when pulled over
I had just left a restauraunt and traveled about 1 mile when I decided to let my girlfriend drive. I had done a
shot just before we left and thought it better if she drove We pulled into a farm and traded places. About four miles down the road she got stopped. Did the road test and blew a 1.1 and then was arrested her for duil. He asked me why we had stoped at the farm and I told we switched drivers He made me do tests and I also blew a 1.1 and he then gave me a duil. I dont belive my test was accurate as it was taken
15 minutes to a half hour after I had driven. Any suggestions
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Not driving when pulled over
The fact that you were not driving may not be relevant to the ticket you received which was
probably for allowing an intoxicated person to drive your vehicle. This carries the same penalties as OUIL.
There is no DUIL in Michigan. If you can email me the exact charge on the tickets and the court you have to appear in, I may be able to help.