Legal Question in Family Law in Michigan

change in child custody

My ex wife has sole custody of our son, which was fine at first, because i got to see him alot. But then things changed and she talks bad about me to him, and she doesnt even live in her home anymore she bounces from her parents, to her boyfriends house, to friends with my 6 yr old son, which is effecting him emotionally. He has no place to call his own. Plus he says that he has to sleep in his mothers bed with her where ever they are staying at, she makes pretty good money and could stay in her home but chooses not to. Things are getting bad for him, is there any way that i could get a change of custody where i could either get joint or full custody so at least he has a stable home? plus i call her to see how hes doing but never answers the phone and when i ask hows hes doing in school, i get an answer of hes my kid not yours, i have sole custody and not you, hes mine! any advice would be great.

Asked on 4/23/08, 7:16 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: change in child custody

All of the issues that you've raised can be dealt with. You should hire an experienced, aggressive family law attorney to get things moving.

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Answered on 4/24/08, 11:14 am
Heather Bendure Bendure & King, PLLC

Re: change in child custody

You have a few options, depending on the facts. If she is not letting you see your son as much as she is supposed to, you can file a Motion for Order to Show Cause with the Court. You can also file a Motion to change the custody agreement, but that can sometimes be difficult (again, depending on the circumstances). A lot of it depends on how the judgment was worded, how long you've been divorced, how she would respond to your Motion, etc. At attorney who has seen your paperwork and/or talked to you for a while would be better able to answer the questions. Good luck.

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Answered on 4/23/08, 8:59 pm

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