Legal Question in Family Law in Michigan

Parent moving overseas and telephone access

When a parent moves overseas and is not awarded physical custody and this parent wishes talk to their child/children over the phone who is responsible for paying for calls made by the child to the parent overseas. (it has not been written in custody agreement) Also, if the overseas parent takes me to court over this, will a court force me to pay for these calls, or change custody over this?

Asked on 4/13/98, 3:13 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Regina Mullen Legal Data Services, PLC

Contribute to child phone expenses

Lots of experience with this one.

The custodial should allocate resources to ensuring that the child has regular access to his other parent. HOWEVER, this amount should be set at a comfortable monthly maximum, depending upon where the other parent goes, with the noncustodial filling in the rest. It is very important for the custodial to encourage the child to reach out to the other parent by initiating phone calls. It's not going to break the bank. The focal issue should be the child's initiation of access to his other parent, not the where's and why's of the relocation. Why not pitch in something even more for the child's benefit?!

I would suggest allocating some reasonable amount to phone costs by purchasing calling cards, which will give discount calls overseas for a set fee,--usually MUCH cheaper than using the regular long distance. Or, use one of those 100+ numbers, they are great. You can even buy the cards in disposable packs to dole out one to your child on a monthly basis with his allowance or something. Make it fun: maybe your child would like to collect the various cards with sports stars or pictures on them!!

The age of the child should also be taken into account. If the child is old enough to make his own phone calls, then s/he is old enough to have some responsibility for monitoring the number of calls, using a prepaid card and the length of time. Discuss it with your child. Young children need less phone and more physical contact, older or more outgoing children may be happy to chatter away and will require more time on the phone. Is there an exciting school event that your child wants to talk about? Well, let them!

Make it part of your night/morning ritual or soemthing. It may not be as expensive as you think. Also, if both parents have access to a computer, then why not *also* utilize e-mail [please respect your child's privacy!!] for light notes, "hi how are ya's" AND sending report cards and the like back and forth if you have a scanner! Bottom line: what is the best thing for your child? To have TWO parents, so let that guide you.

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Answered on 4/27/98, 11:43 am
Henry J. Legere, Jr. Law Office of Henry J. Legere, Jr.

Parent overseas and Telephone access

Custodial parent should pay for the costs of the telephone calls if financially able. Parent who is residing overseas should call child on regular basis and pay for such calls. If parent residing overseas is in the military may have access to MARS or similar access to calls back to States.

Custody should not be changed over this. Might be possible for overseas parent to be afforded parenting time/visitation by telephone or internet. If such is the case, the non custodial parent should pay the associated charges. Custodial parent should pay for calls made by child. Hope this helps.

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Answered on 4/28/98, 1:42 pm

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