Legal Question in Family Law in Michigan

Taping Without permission

Is it illegal to videotape or record audio in a public place such as McD's. Let me explain ... my best friend is being challenged by her ex for full custody of her 2 year old which she has always had. He visits and we go pick her up. Public places only. Kid FEARS him so it must be public. For past few weeks he has been recording/videotaping me there becasue he says I invade his sessions though I am only there to help pick her up. Tonight he wipped out a camera and started recording. I feel violated and intruded on. We are from Michigan and his ex and I both fear this man. Daughter is told of monsters and that her family wil abuse her. She has backslid mentally and been reduced to going to the bathroom on herself so ''daddy don--name removed--see/get her''. PLEASE help!

Asked on 3/31/08, 11:05 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

William Stern William Stern, P.C.

Re: Taping Without permission

Here's the way I look at it. The guy is a psychological abuser. Go to the court and request a psychological evaluation of everyone involved, including the child. If you choose a certain psychologist, this may prove to be a bit expensive but some of these people are real good. The most infuriating thing you can do is ignore him and his camera. Just ignore him. But have your friend take steps to legally keep him as far away from the child as possible, although it will be very, very difficult. Courts are reluctant to separate children from their parents. There also are other ways to handle this but I am a lawyer and must advise you to stick to legal means. William S. Stern

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Answered on 3/31/08, 11:29 pm

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