Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Michigan

Defamation of character

I married 16 months ago. My wife's ex- made it clear that he didn't want me in his kids' lives and said as much. He filed assault and battery charges against me and I was found not guilty by a jury. He has filed multiple complaints with Family Protective Services for sexual misconduct subsequent to the trial. The first was investigated, found to have no merit and he was told by the caseworker that I am a good parent and he should be glad to have me as a stepdad to the kids. My perception is that he is abusing the system to legally harass me. He told FPS that I assaulted him and have physically and verbally abused him. This is in writing in their report. He told the FOC caseworker the same things he said to FPS as well as other fabrications. Do I have a case of defamation of character, or are the things he claims protected loosely as a ''witness'' since they are said to agents of the court?

Asked on 12/10/04, 9:40 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

William Stern William Stern, P.C.

Re: Defamation of character

The case is an abuse of process.........filing false claims to misuse the system. Unfortunately, this type of case would be very detrimental to pursue. Expensive and only more embittering. Sounds like a sicko. But remember, success is the best form of revenge. Bill Stern 248-353-9400

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Answered on 12/10/04, 9:55 pm

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