Legal Question in Medical Malpractice in Michigan
I'm hoping someone can help me out here with this question that has been racking my brain for quite some time now.
Can I sue my doctor for negligence of checking blood for vitamins (D, iron and autoimmune) causing extreme depression (vit. d deficiency depression, hair loss (i am female) causing depression, and costly ER visits because of extremely high anxiety, insomnia) causing thousands upon thousands (2-3 years) of dollars in wasted tuition, rent, personal grief?
It keeps me up at night thinking that I have wasted the last 3 years of my life being completely and utterly non-functionally depressed. I went through a cycle of signing up for classes, paying the tuition, buying books, paying rent, all that's involved with college, with absolutely nothing to show for it because I could not function. I became so depressed about my hair loss, insomnia and because I was having deficiencies in my body that I regularly stopped going to class halfway through, believe I was a failure (depression) and having such (social and general) anxiety that I could not deal with teachers, people, lab partners, etc.
My anxiety and hair loss were documented, and I was seeing a psychologist (noted the hair loss) and psychiatrist.
Another hurdle I face, is that I now live in another state across the U.S. than where this occurred, so I would definable not be able to take planes just to go to court (I am STILL a college student, living on financial aid and the goodwill of my mother). Do I have a case, and is there any way I can fight it from halfway across the U.S.A.?
I fully believe that the medications I'm on now (gabapentin and iron) have helped to stabilize me and I am doing much, much better in my classes and have hope for the future. I feel like if a doctor had seriously listened to my concerns and checked the BASIC things like iron, vit d., and autommune deficiencies then it would have saved me THOUSANDS of dollars for above explained reasons. I really feel like there is something going on here.
What do you think? Thank you for anyone who was willing to read through this wall of text and has the kindness to answer me back. Thank you!
Lost Time
1 Answer from Attorneys
You ask a great question. I would like to help answer your question and I would have to ask you more specific questions about your case to give you a more accurate response. It would be easier for me to explain it over the phone so please contact me, I am available 24/7 on my cell phone at 586-457-5501 so I can help you and answer any additional questions that you may have.
Looking forward to speaking with you,
Jules N. Fiani
Attorney at Law
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