Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Michigan

my ex bought me a phone and netbook computer during our relationship. we are no longer together and he wants them back or for me to pay him for them. it was never said when e gave them to me that he would want them back if we ever broke up. do i have to do that even though they were gifts. he says that they weren't gifts they were loans but he just said saying that a few days ago. I've ad both the phone and netbook for almost three months. the phone bill is in his name. do i have to give him back the things or their value or are they mine?

Asked on 2/03/11, 8:14 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jules Fiani Law Offices of Jules N. Fiani

You certainly have rights in this legal matter. I have questions that would help me give you the most accurate response. Call me at 586-457-5501 anytime for personal and professional adivce.

Law Offices of Jules N. Fiani

[email protected]

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Answered on 3/12/11, 11:21 am

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