Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Michigan

Deed Restrictions


i own a building and lease it out to a business. A buyer has come to me and asked if he could buy my building and put in a grocery/pharmacy. when i bought the property there was a restriction on the deed stating that pharmacy was prohibited. it has been 7 years since i purchased the building. is there any way out of the deed restriction

Asked on 11/29/07, 2:36 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Renee Walsh LawRefs Nonprofit

Re: Deed Restrictions

You must contact the township zoning board and ask for the process to request and obtain a variance. Furthermore, each township has a projected future use plan for the use of properties in the area. Ask what the projected future plan is for your property area and also if it has ever included a pharmacy in the past. It is somewhat political and you end up having to do some campaigning for yourself. Variances can be quite expensive. If the township knows that there is a sale that is at stake, they will consider the idea seriously because they do like the idea of development as it means income to the area. You can work the cost of the variance into the agreement for sale.

If you would like my assistance in the matter, please contact me directly at or though my website,

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Answered on 11/29/07, 7:55 pm

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