Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Michigan

Our HOA (PUD) wrote to non-resident owners that they instituted an administrative fee for non-resident co-owners. The fee is $50 a month, which is 20% more than the regular HOA fee. They claimed they spent significant amount time, effort and money spent on administrative issues with non-resident co-owners. However, we don�t see administrative effort they�ve done in the past other than sending us the bills for regular HOA dues. Is this new fee legitimate? In the HOA bylaws, special assessment requires two thirds of approvals from co-owners though.

Any other co-owner who want to engage a lawyer to fight a case please visit or email Thanks,

Asked on 10/05/10, 11:22 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Timothy Klisz Klisz Law Office, PLLC

Its all in the rules and bylaws. If the association is within their rights, based on the rules, it is a done deal. How many non-resident owners are there in the complex? It seems like a big fight for a small group. Visit to discuss further. Tim Klisz

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Answered on 10/11/10, 5:09 am

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