Legal Question in Workers Comp in Michigan
Workers Compensation or not
If someone has an auto accident on their way home from work, would that be considered workers comp injury
Asked on 7/01/09, 2:14 pm
3 Answers from Attorneys
John Wunsch
Law Offices John C. Wunsch, P.C.
Re: Workers Compensation or not
Dear Sirs,
Typically no, but there are exceptions.
Please call to discuss.
Many thanks,
John C. Wunsch
Answered on 7/01/09, 2:25 pm
John Wunsch
Law Offices John C. Wunsch, P.C.
Re: Workers Compensation or not
Dear Sirs,
Typically no, but there are exceptions.
Please call to discuss.
Many thanks,
John C. Wunsch
Answered on 7/01/09, 2:25 pm
John Wunsch
Law Offices John C. Wunsch, P.C.
Re: Workers Compensation or not
Dear Sirs,
Typically no, but there are exceptions.
Please call to discuss.
Many thanks,
John C. Wunsch
Answered on 7/01/09, 2:25 pm
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