Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Minnesota

Unknown judgments on my credit

I sold a company some time ago and now I have noticed several judgments have been placed on my credit report. How do I go about getting them taken off? Since I did not have anything to do with the company? And there is no paper work showing that I own the company. What do I do?

Thank you!

Asked on 7/30/99, 11:14 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Unknown judgments on my credit

I hope you had a bill of sale for the company. Also, did you notify any creditors for whom you'd signed personally, e.g., credit card companies?

Anyway, to answer your question, write a letter to the reporting agency denying that you owe that money; they are required to investigate -- which means ask the creditors to substantiate the report, I think, and get some kind of a resolution in 30 days. I don't know how effective that is, but if the creditor stands firm, you could then take it up with them.

In any case, I take it nobody is trying actively to collect the money from you; that's good, at least!

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Answered on 7/30/99, 4:44 pm

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