Legal Question in Criminal Law in Minnesota

A friend of mines is on probation him and his ex girlfriend got in to a argument he left and she ended up calling the police on him saying that he choked her and pulled her hair .. she told him she had called the cops he called to see if it was true come to find out he had a warrant for his arrest he ended up turning his self in and is now in jail and has been in there for over 2 months the ex girlfriend doesn't want to press charges or cooperate with the case or testify the only evidence they have are the pictures that shows nothing and the 911 call recoding can he be convicted or get a probation violation he has never been threw anything like this

Asked on 1/06/16, 1:34 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Samuel Edmunds Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC

Yes. It's a definite possiblity that he could be convicted of the new crime and that he could be found in violation of his probation. Why has he been in custody for this long? He needs a skilled attorney to help him through this situation. Help him get a lawyer retained if he doesn't already have one. Feel free to contact me.

(651) 994-6744

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Answered on 1/06/16, 3:13 pm
Rory Durkin Giancola-Durkin Criminal Defense

Feel free to call and discuss this. He needs a strategy and an attorney who has tried domestic assault cases.

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Answered on 1/07/16, 6:51 am

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