Legal Question in Criminal Law in Minnesota

Restraining Order

How do I get a restraining order? Can I do this myself? I want to keep a 20 yr old away from my 16 yr old. Thank You

Asked on 1/07/02, 8:20 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Maury Beaulier612.240.8005 Minnesota Lawyers

Re: Restraining Order

You may seek a harrassment retraining order. However, you must demonstrate that the contact is know by the other person to be unwanted and continuing. There are forms available at most court houses

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Answered on 1/08/02, 1:22 pm
Thomas C. Gallagher Gallagher Criminal Defense

Re: Restraining Order

The two most common types are for (1) domestic abuse, and (2) harassment. A parent can seek one on behalf of their child, under certain circumstances. You may want to visit your local courthouse first to see if there are forms and help available there for this purpose, as often is the case. If the 20-year-old's contact with your 16-year-old is not assaultive or unwanted, the law may not provide for either type of restraining order, however. If you go to your local courthouse, usually the family law division, they may be able to help you there.

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Answered on 1/08/02, 3:56 pm

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