Legal Question in Criminal Law in Minnesota

Statute of Limitations

I have information regarding a crime. This crime happened some years ago and I was informed that because it happened over 7 years ago this person can not be prosecuted because of a statute of limitations law. This crime involved millions of dollars of damage to farm property and would be considered a felony. Can this person be prosectuted for this crime?

Asked on 2/27/02, 1:47 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Thomas C. Gallagher Gallagher Criminal Defense

Re: Statute of Limitations

It depends. It depends upon: (1) which State the alleged crime occurred; (2) whether it could be charged as a federal crime; (3) a legal research effort analyzing the possible jurisdictions' statutes of limitations that might apply -- for example, often fraud type crimes have longer statute of limitation periods than crimes like theft; (4) etc.

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Answered on 2/27/02, 5:44 pm

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