Legal Question in Family Law in Minnesota
how do I go about collecting monies from my ex husband for childrens medical bills & child support earned from his comission checks? Our divorice states these items clearly. Is he not in comtempt of court? What are my options?
1 Answer from Attorneys
First, if you have an open case with the State of Minnesota/County, contact your child support officer to find out what is being done and what can be done to collect the child support. Your child support officer can also explain how you can collect for unreimbursed medical expenses which is covered by Minnesota Statute 518A.41, subds. 17 & 18. (See to find this statute.) If you do not have an open child support case, you can apply for services and I think it costs $25 for the initial fee and then the state receives a small percentage of what they collect. In my opinion, it is well worth the money. Another option is to take your ex back to court for contempt and I suggest that you have a consultation with a private attorney about how to do this but there are forms online at if you want to attempt it by yourself.