Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Minnesota

Baring access to comercial Bank

Can a bank official legally bar a consumer from entering a bank as a result of a verbal argument due to services refused. Person sought to cash two checks drawn from this bank. service refused to cash the 2,600.00 check due to bank rule not to cash checks over 2,000. when informed they wouod charge 10.00 for cashing the smaller check because he had no account at the ban he became upset ask for someone who might wave the 2,000 rule. President reiterated the rule and the customer again we upset. told the pres. He could kiss his A-- for $10. A loud verbal confrontation followed. I am guessing there was a lot of foul language used. Customer said he would never come back. The banker told him he could never return to the bank, nt welcome and if he came the police would be called. I seem to recall that a public business can't selctivly bar the public from a public business. Unless there was a lawful reason for a court to issue an order to stay away. Did I remember this correctly?

Asked on 5/21/05, 6:18 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: Baring access to comercial Bank

This is governed by the Uniform Commercial Code.

Failure to honor a check drawn on the bank is wrongful dishonor. There are remedies for this available to the drawer.

Call me to discuss further.

You may wish to present the check by mail or through your own bank to avoid a breach of the peace. Alot depends on the actual nature and content of the fracas.

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Answered on 5/21/05, 7:13 pm

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