Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Minnesota

Promissory note and property dispute

My fiancee left with no warning and moved to another state. Upon leaving my fiancee signed a promissory note and stated that he did not have room for his property. After he left when we talked 3 days later he says that he signed the promissory note under duress and will not live up to it. He asked me to send two things to him. Then 30 days later I get a letter demanding that I package all his belongings make them available to or send them COD as not to incurr any expense myself. I sent him an email and told him it had been available to him since he left. I received no response. More than 60 days after he left he demands again for his property and for me to send it COD. We had discussed that but I told him that he needed to come get it. He has said many times he will not come back to MN to get it and that I have to send it because I said I would.

Am I legally responsible for his property and do I have to send it to him?

As for the promissory note he says that because of the high emotions when he signed it that it was duress and not legal. Is this true?

Asked on 5/17/05, 6:01 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: Promissory note and property dispute

What duress? Was he under threat of violence?

Was he under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

How much is at stake?

What is the value of the property?

How much would it cost to ship/move it?

Your obligations are not marital but contractual, and there is no palimony statute in MN.

Feel free to call or email for further assistance.

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Answered on 5/17/05, 6:13 pm

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