Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Minnesota

teaching contract

I typically do not teach summer school so am unaware of the pay

structure for this abbreviated session. i requested three times in

writing what my hourly wage for the six week summer session

would consist of prior to summer school starting. this request was

made of my supervisor. I was never provided a response. I did

however receive a contract that stated i would be paid approx. $40

per hour for the balance of the 6 weeks i was assigned to teach.

this contract was signed by the same supervisor who had not

contacted me earlier, along with another administrator. two weeks

into the summer session, her secretary called me and stated that a

mistake had been made in calculating my summer wages and in

fact i would be making $31 per hour instead. they have now paid

me for half the summer at the second wage. are they responsible

to fulfill the contract as written? we are paid twice over the course

of the summer, my suggestion was to pay me at $40 hourly for the

work already performed and i would let them revise the contract for

the balance of the summer. where do i stand with this request?

thank you.

Asked on 7/04/05, 5:28 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: teaching contract

What school district? (I may have a conflict.)

How much is at stake?

Are you not in teacher's union?

Call me Tues. re: above.

David Anderson

Read more
Answered on 7/04/05, 8:01 pm

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