Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Minnesota

Tenant rights

I was in the bathroom the other day when maintinence knocked on my door. I did not respond. They used a key and entered my home without any prior notice and under the impression I was not home. I have informed management numerous times that I always want to be present if someone is in my home and they agreed since it is allowed by the lease. It was against Minnesota law to enter without giving notice. I want to know what I can do, what are my rights. All I want is to get out of my lease without paying the $850 buy out. I do not feel safe in my home knowing maintinence will come in any time they please. They may have come other times I wasn't home without my knowledge. I just want to get away from such an unsafe and not private enviornment. When I spoke with management they apologized and said that there was a work order and they should have given notice and they should not have entered without me letting them in yet they then said they were not in the wrong and would not let me out of my lease. Is there any way I can get out of my lease after what they did without paying the outrageous $850? Please help. Thank you for your time.

Asked on 3/21/07, 5:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: Tenant rights

First: Knocking IS notice.

Second: Your lease provides for entry for maintenance and safety reasons no doubt.

Third: If a provision in the lease was so OUTRAGEOUS, you probably shouln't have signed it.

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Answered on 3/21/07, 8:51 pm

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