Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Minnesota

assessed for lake improvement

I am not living on the lake,however,the lake improvement district is trying to assess everyone living within 1000 feet of the lake to remove weeds and improve water quality.lake owners want the weeds removed and want others to pay for it.The area lake association asked for money to remove weeds,and are now using the county board to assess funds to pay for weed removal.I can't even see the lake from my property. Do I have to pay for this or what options are left.

Asked on 2/04/07, 2:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Steven Vatndal Law Office of Steven J. Vatndal

Re: assessed for lake improvement

More details are needed to determine the authority of the district. You would probably need to hire a lawyer to review the status of the district and also whether there are any other government or private organizations that may weigh in on this.

Perhaps there are several owners who would join together to hire an attorney to do this work.

E-mail me with any questions.

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Answered on 2/05/07, 7:24 am

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