Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Minnesota

Buyers Rights

We are buying a house and were to close on 2/28/03 3 hours prior our realitor said now its going to be 3/4/05 now she said it may be 3/5/03 we have had all services disconnected Phone, cable utilitys and transferd over to this house that we are closing on whitch was to be on the 28th. We have been basically living out of a moving truck we have nothing but a mattress on the floor. I think that we are owed money for this inconvience all our clothes, personal items have been packed away for this move that was to take place on that date and we have a 3 year old this is very hard to live like this. She gets 7000.00 out of this deal and what do we get but a hassel. what can we do??? Please help

Asked on 3/04/03, 10:41 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Kelly-952-544-6356 Kelly Law Office

Re: Buyers Rights

There might not be much you can do, unless your real estate agent is willing to give you a deal voluntarily. Your question says nothing about why the closing is being delayed. The most common reason is something to do with the financing, which often isn't anybody's fault.

This is an example of the kind of thing that perhaps might have been prevented if you had hired a lawyer to be in your corner during the transaction.

Good luck.

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Answered on 3/04/03, 11:29 am

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