Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Minnesota


We have renters in our home in MN who have not paid rent in 3 months. We have mailed and eviction notice, had a friend tape one to the door, and had a friend put one in the mailbox. They are still in our house and will not move. They have not returned any of our calls in 2 months and are ignoring us. We need to get them out to get someone else in there who will pay the rent. They also have not paid the water bill (in their name) which is city water and goes against our property taxes. What can we do? Can we allow someone in MN to take this to court for us? How do we file? We are first time owners and have only had the house 1 yr but had to move due to a family emergency in TX. Please help - we can't continue to pay rent here and house payment there.

Asked on 12/18/02, 4:44 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Hunt John

Re: Eviction

Thank you for your question. You will need to obtain a Minnesota attorney to file an action to evict these people. You might be able to give someone power of attorney to do the filing for you, but I do not know whether that would allowed under Minnesota law as I do not practice law in Minnesota.

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Answered on 12/18/02, 4:58 pm

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