Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Minnesota

can they legally assess and enforce dues

I bought property from private parties and received warranty and torrens titles; now have lien on property from homeowners association assessments, late fees, attorney fees. Association is not legally recorded with sec of state because they are missing exhibit A!? Never signed agreement to pay dues but did pay voluntarily and then resigned on advice of attorney general. Homeowners association says it does not matter whether we signed agreement because covenants and bylaws are in abstract and run with the land. Can we fight this lien? (Original parties that started development went bankrupt and has caused cloudy titles for some owners)

Asked on 8/18/03, 7:10 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Kelly-952-544-6356 Kelly Law Office

Re: can they legally assess and enforce dues

I don't think any attorney could much tell what you re dealing with from what you wrote here. Sounds like a mess. Find a lawyer who knows his real estate and do a cosultation as soon as possible. You're already late. This is a good example of why you sould get a lawyer involved before you buy.

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Answered on 8/19/03, 2:45 pm

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