Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Minnesota

Help please - misrepresentation from realtor

Bought a house in Minnesota.

1. Agent did not discover or disclose the property was for sale 8 months earlier for substantially less. Question: What is the probability of going after the realtor for the difference between what the house was originally listed for and what I bought it for? Can I win?

2. Agent told me there was another full price offer I was competing against, which he stated was full price. Due to this, I paid over list to obtain the house. Later, after the deal closed and I questioned the transaction because I found out from my new neighbors the house was on the market 8 months earlier. When I questioned where the information came from of another offer presented, he changed his position to; they were very interested, ready to write an offer. Question: Is this legal for an agent to tell someone there was an offer, when there was not?

Asked on 1/05/07, 8:45 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Maury Beaulier612.240.8005 Minnesota Lawyers

Re: Help please - misrepresentation from realtor

To file such a lawsuit, you must have another realtor willing to testify that the first realtor breached their professional duty. Second, you would have to determine how much that breach cost in monetary terms.

In other words, liability is suspect and proving damages is even more difficult.

It would be a very difficult case.

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Answered on 1/07/07, 6:50 pm

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