Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Minnesota

non-marital real estate property

My significant and I bought a house together 6 years ago. We were not married and because I was going through a divorce at the time, when we purchased the home--my name was not included on the purchase agreement. I made half the house payment every month and paid half of the upkeep and improvements to the house for 4 years. We have since broken up and I am wondering if I have any recourse to getting part of the equity in the house??? If I do, what is the time limit for pursuing this reimbursment??? If my ex-significant is not willing to pay me for half of the equity---what are my chances of a cash settlement if I choose to take this to court???

Asked on 3/07/05, 11:09 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Maury Beaulier612.240.8005 Minnesota Lawyers

Re: non-marital real estate property

Thank you for the message.

title to real estate creates a presumed owner. However, if you can demonstrate that there was an agreement of the parties to share teh equity of the home, you may seek a share of its value in what is called a "partition" action.

For a consultation call 952.746.2153.

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Answered on 3/07/05, 11:11 am
Steven Vatndal Law Office of Steven J. Vatndal

Re: non-marital real estate property

Depending on the facts and the theory that is persued, the limits for initiating a suit are 3 or 6 years. The date when that time starts running will vary with the facts. Also, if your ex sells the property to a third party before a suit is started that may also reduce your ability to recover. There are too many possible factual variations to predict potential of success. You need to quickly discuss full facts with an attorney.

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Answered on 3/07/05, 2:54 pm

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