Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Minnesota

Obnoxious Neighbors

My neighbors have made our lives miserable since the day we

bought our home 2 years ago. They fight and scream at each other

constantly throughout the day, neither of them work. They scream

obscenities at their children and call them awful names. Their dog

barks continually, and runs in our yard and defecates all over.

They sit in their car and honk the horn sometimes for as long as 20

minutes at a time. I have been wakened in the night by their noise

many times. I have called them on numerous occasions to ask

them to be quiet, I have also contacted the police on many

occasions. The police say that there is nothing they can do. We

have a beautiful house in a nice neighborhood and we shouldn't

have to move put up with this level of intrusion. Is there anything

that can be done about this legally?

Asked on 9/20/04, 3:01 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Kelly-952-544-6356 Kelly Law Office

Re: Obnoxious Neighbors

As a practical matter, there may not be much you can do. There are common law nuisance legal actions you could take, but any order you received would be a mess to enforce.

You could try the animal control folks in your city. They should be separate from the regular police. They would have a complaint process concerning the dog. If you could get the dog labeled as a nuisance animal, the city can actually take the dog away.

Frankly, your best bet is to move.

Good luck.

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Answered on 9/21/04, 10:46 am

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