Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Minnesota

Returning property to an association.

What kind of form to be used to return cemetery lots back to a cemetery association from an individual. These lots belong to an induvidual whom is 90 plus and will be buried elswhere and her son wants these lots to revert back to the cemetery association and wants to do so with no money involved. He has already sent a letter of intent.

Asked on 4/18/03, 2:57 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Kelly-952-544-6356 Kelly Law Office

Re: Returning property to an association.

I've never done one with a cemetery lot, but since such a lot is real estate, I expect a quit claim deed would be the proper instrument.

Ask the association to prepare it. They should know what they need.

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Answered on 4/18/03, 10:50 am

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