Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Minnesota

unsigned lease

myhusband and i verbally agreed to accept an apt despite poor condition(floors &terrible stench) due to 2 big dogs. were approved by credit check. landlord verbally promised first month free. met with landlord who gave me copy of lease which was signed by landlord. landlord wanted me to sign that moment. i did not have security deposit and informed landlord that i would feel more comfortable to sign when we exchanged deposit and would sign in front of her. when i reminded landlord she agreed to first month rent free she changed her mind saying changing kitchen floor would cost her as much as rent. over course of next week i insisted to landlord to make sure apt would be professionally cleaned to eliminate smell as much as possible and wasnt comfortbale moving in unless that was taken care of. one hour prior to meeting landlord to hand over deposit and sign lease i found out my husband never submitted written 60 day notice to present building management. could nto afford to pay 2 rents. and we never did sign the lease. never occupied apt, nor exchanged $ nor got keys and never signed the leases. she is filing suit for one month +half next.

Asked on 10/24/02, 6:53 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Kelly-952-544-6356 Kelly Law Office

Re: unsigned lease

If everything you said is true, in my opinion the landlord can't win this one. The lease and the rent obligation don't exist until you sign. Sounds pretty simple.

Defend the legal action vigorously. Lot's of people in this kind of situation will go to court and freeze and not get their story told. Assuming this is conciliation court in the twin cities area, I could consult with you and go with you to the hearing for a flat rate of $500. I could help assure that you don't get buldozed and that your story gets told. You only win if your whole story gets told. My number is 952-544-6356.

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Answered on 10/25/02, 10:22 am

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