Legal Question in Traffic Law in Minnesota

3 speeding tickets within a year

I received a letter in the mail requesting my

presence for an arraignment for having 3 moving

violations within a 12 month period. My record is

not very good. I always seem to get 1-2 a year.

What is the minimum & maximum penalty for

this? Should I hire an attorney to represent me?

Or will it not make any difference with my bad

record, and maybe I just need to face the

consequences? Thanks for your reply.

Asked on 1/21/02, 5:30 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Kelly-952-544-6356 Kelly Law Office

Re: 3 speeding tickets within a year

I would be surprised if what you are invited to is an "arraignment." Most likely you are being invited to a meeting at the Department of Public Safety where you license is going to be reviewed. An "arraingment" is where you appear in court to answer for a crime. As far as I know, three moving violations in and of itself is not a crime.

If you are to appear at an arraingment, if that is the term being used, it would be at court and you would be accused of a crime - something one would assume to be at least a misdemeanor. If that is really what is going on, it would be a big mistake to not have a lawyer. The maximum penalties include 90 days in jail and a fine of $1000.

You could be getting called in for a probation violation or something like that - those moving violations could be some sort of probation violation.

If you are being called in for an administrative review of your license, a lawyer might do you some good as a person with a free tongue who will make sure your story gets told. If you are going to court, going alone is always a big mistake.

This response is for general information purposes only and does not create an attorney-client relationship. You are advised to seek the advice of the attorney of your choice concerning the details of your case.

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Answered on 1/22/02, 1:04 pm

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