Legal Question in Traffic Law in Minnesota

Can I get out of this ticket?

The police have come to my home 2 times looking for my boyfriend because of a warrant. I was on my way to the store when a car came flying up behind me the car followed me for approx 1mile I knew it was an officer. He proceeded to pull me over after following me for a mile or so. I did not have a license or insurance. I feel I was being watched and harassed, because they had just came to my home 15 mins or so prior to me being pulled over and as soon as I leave I'm followed? Is this ticket justified? Or can I get out of it. Granted I was driving without license or insurance but did they really have reason to pull me over to begin with?? I wasn't breaking any laws prior to that.

Asked on 1/28/07, 4:05 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Maury Beaulier612.240.8005 Minnesota Lawyers

Re: Can I get out of this ticket?

If the officer had no reasonable suspicion to stop your vehicle, the stop is invalid and so to is the request to see your license.

For a consultation call 952.746.2153

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Answered on 1/28/07, 2:28 pm

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