Legal Question in Family Law in Mississippi

Driver's License Suspended - Failure to pay childsupport (late)

We lived in Biloxi and lost everything durning katrina, including my husband's job. He got behind on his child support and his driver's license has been suspended for failure to pay. His ex-wife does not agree with that because she understands that if he can not drive he can not work. Is there some type of release or request form that she can sign asking that his license be reinstated? If so, how would she do this? If not, what are our other options other that full payment of arrearage, which we can not afford to do?

Asked on 8/09/06, 7:17 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mary Milek Milek Law Firm

Re: Driver's License Suspended - Failure to pay childsupport (late)

This is a common problem and hope others will see this post and take action before it is too late. When you loose your job, get in an accident and wind up in the hospital, when a hurricane or tornado takes everything you own; you need to ask the court for relief as soon as possible. I know it may be difficult and it may not seem fair, but the court will not grant you any relief until you ask for it. The court will not go back in time and reduce your child support obligations.

You need an attorney and it sounds like at this time you cannot afford one. I would suggest you call the Mississippi Bar (link below), let them know you are a Hurricane Katrina victim and inquire about pro bono representation.

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Answered on 8/09/06, 11:12 am

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