Legal Question in Family Law in Mississippi
I just found out my "wife" is still married to her previos husband. We married in December. 2012 . Soon after i put her on the deed to my home as a wedding gift. Whars the easist/cheapest way to get a divorce/annulment? How do i get her off the deed if she is unwilling to do so.willingly? I'm on SSD , can i recieve legal aid?
Asked on 10/01/14, 5:20 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Anders Ferrington
Anders Ferrington PLLC
You are not married as she was not legally divorced. An annulment is proper but you will need to get her off the deed.
As for legal aid the bar does offer some legal aid, BUT it is income and asset based.
You may not qualify and need to retain an attorney
Answered on 10/05/14, 12:29 pm