Legal Question in Family Law in Mississippi

My Rights as a Grandparent

My son ans his wife have been divorced since 1996. He lives with me and has joint cusoty of his 2 children. He pays his child support on time and takes very good care of the children when they are here with him. He gets them every other weekend a wk during Christmas, the week of spring break and 1/2 of summer vacation. Ok heres my ?. Can his x-wife come in MY home and make demands on where we can go while we have the kids, also can she come in and go through MY whole house and demand it to be cleaner or else he can;t get the kids. Every time he diagrees with her on anything she threathens him with not being able to get the kids till he does what she says. Can she do this, can she use the kids as pawns to get her way?

Asked on 2/20/03, 1:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jeffrey Padgett Padgett Law Firm, pllc

Re: My Rights as a Grandparent

His ex really doesn't have any say when it comes to your house unless it poses a health hazzard to the children. Plus, it's your house and you can control who comes in it. Maybe a neutral site should be set up for the transfer of kids for visitation. If she refuses to allow him to see the kids, you should hire an atty and take her before the judge for contempt.

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Answered on 2/21/03, 1:33 pm

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