Legal Question in Family Law in Mississippi

Sister getting custody of younger sister

I am 19 years old. I have my own hoem with my fiancee and we have been living together for almost three years. Both of my parents are not suitable parents. I was wondering if there is anyway I could get custody of my 12 year old sister???

Asked on 7/27/06, 4:40 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mary Milek Milek Law Firm

Re: Sister getting custody of younger sister

What you are asking for is possible, but it would be difficult and costly. Also, the effect of this on your family could be devastating. I do not believe this would be a wise course of action unless you feel that your sister could be in real danger. Additionally, at 19, the stress of being legally and financially responsible for a 12 year old child could become overwhelming. Also, the sister-guardian relationship could get very complicated for both of you.

Perhaps you could talk to your parents about your sister coming to live with you temporarily. They may even welcome this invitation if they are having financial hardships. Keep the conversation civil and remember that you only have one set of parents.

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Answered on 7/27/06, 6:18 pm

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